Saturday, July 31, 2010

Castle in the Sky

There is a castle in the sky I love to go there in my dreams.
There are no wars or deaths around, not in my castle in the sky.
The air is fresh and nice and clean there, and no one there is rude or mean.
No one commands or act to proud not in my castle in the sky.
There are angels all in white, singing to the world that all is right.
She's nice to see and soft to touch as she gently says..
" You worry way to much.. Being stressed is not allowed
not in my castle in the sky."
So be happy and enjoy what life has to give,
And remember that in this world we all have to live.

Copyright ©2003 Written by Me

Dreams of you seem to melt my heart as I feel you near and I shiver hoping we never part.
Your voice whispers in my ear telling me softly that you are here Oh so near.
You have touched my heart, my soul so gentle and so mild,
you have chased away the demons deep within that ran so wild.

Never have I known happiness like this before.
Never have I felt so complete
Never have have known someone so caring so sweet.

Then a sound in the distance awakes me and I realize that I am dreaming of you again,
deep within my heart and my soul so blue.
My eyes mist as I awake from my dream as a smile passes over my heart
knowing that I will be back again soon in my dreams with you.

Written 2004 by Me

Tears falling down my face like raindrops on a window pane.
The sad music reflecting the emptiness that's deep within my soul.
I gave you love in return you gave me pain.

To live is to love oh so I heard, but love can fade away with the smallest of words.
How easy you have forgotten the way you could light up my life.
Beautiful sunrises I can no longer see,
nor can my heart hear your voice whispering back to me.

Your indifference shattered my heart with such abandon.
The tears reflecting off my soul like storm clouds on the water.
The passion of dying embers roaring deep within my heart.
I gave to you what I could of me and now my soul begs to be free.
Free of all the shame , hurt and pain that you gave to me.

I will light my flame anew and I will regain the warmth within my soul.
My heart will drown in memories of your passion,
until the sun shines once again calling me telling me to let you go.
Only then can my tears let go, only then.

Written 2001 by Me

Friday, July 30, 2010

Judge Me Not

When I was but a small child your words were painful to me.
You would tell the world " she will be just like the others wait and see" .
I often wondered as a child what those words could mean.
Then as I grew I knew that your words were judging me unseen.

I ask you now to please don't judge me by what you may have seen along life's road.
To judge another as you have me is hurtful and cold.
The words "she will be just like the others" haunted me in my dreams,
Until I would scream in my sleep to you that I am not at all what it seems.

I have held my head high and looked to God and ask why?
And he said " Don't cry my child they will see that those words do not apply"
So I have head my head high and took pride in all that I do.
For I have learned the lessons of life through and through.
And I have learned that God is my only judge with his heart of gold.

So please Judge Me Not for it will be your turn some day I am told.

Written 2001 by Me